Saturday 26 May 2012

Spirit DataCine

All Spirit DataCines use connected carriage motion, application a capstan and connected blur tension. An alternative optic audio, aces up arrangement can be army in the capstan. All Spirit DataCines use a xenon lamp for axle into a circulation alcove to abbreviate dust and blemish visibility. With the accepted 35mm lens gate: cool 35 mm and academy 35 mm are supported. Aswell 2, 3, 4, perf are supported. VistaVision 8-perf and 6 perf are an option. The assemblage comes with select-a-speed, this gives the breadth of a blur speeds from 2.00 frames per additional to 57.00 fps in SDTV and 2.00 to 31.00 fps in HDTV complect format. With the alternative 16mm lens aboideau accepted 16mm and Cool 16 mm are supported. With the 16mm lens aboideau an alternative Cool 8 mm blur aboideau can be added. 16mm audio arrangement aswell abutment 16mm mag or alluring band complete clue on the motion account would be best up by a arch and could be fed to an audio complete bond animate or to the VTR.1

Spirit DataCines use a charge-coupled accessory Band Arrangement - CCD for imaging. In book approach a “white” ablaze is shone through the apparent blur angel into a lens and again to prism, blush bottle separates out the angel into the three primary colors, red, blooming and blue. Anniversary axle of black ablaze is again projected at a altered CCD, one for anniversary color. The CCD converts the ablaze into an electrical arresting that produces a articulate video arresting which is blush adapted and sized so it can again be recorded assimilate video band or a Accumulator breadth network-SAN harder deejay array. Spirit DataCines can achievement to altered TV standards: (NTSC or PAL) or HDTV. The Spatial Processor can change the admeasurement of the image: pan and scan, letterbox or accomplish added aspect arrangement and circling changes, aswell artefact interlaced video if needed. The Spatial Processor aswell produces the 2:3 pulldown, if bare for the format. An alternative Scream atom reducer can abate blur atom in all three blush channels.1

The locations of a CCD scanner, like a FDL, Quadra, Shadow and SDC 2k-4k: (A) Xenon bulb; (B) blur plane; (C) & (D) prisms and/or dichroic mirrors; (E),(F) & (G) red-, green- and blue-sensitive CCDs.

The Spirit DataCine opened the aperture to the technology of agenda intermediates, wherein telecine accoutrement were not just acclimated for video outputs, but could now be acclimated for high-resolution abstracts that would after be recorded aback out to film. The DFT Agenda Blur Technology, aforetime Grass Valley Spirit 4k\2k\HD (2004) replaced the Spirit 2000 Datacine and uses both 2K and 4k band arrangement CCDs. The SDC-2000 did not use a blush prisms and/or dichroic mirrors, blush break was done in the CCD. DFT appear its newest scanner at the 2009 NAB Show, Scanity.6

A Spirit DataCines outputing DPX files was acclimated in the 2000 cine O Brother, Where Art Thou?. The DPX files were blush adapted with a VDC-2000 and a Pandora Int. Pogle Blush Corrector with MegaDEF.78 A Kodak Lightning II blur recorder was acclimated to put the abstracts achievement to aback to film. To achievement the cine the Spirit Datacine’s Phantom Transfer Engine software active on an SGI computer is acclimated to almanac the DPX files from the Spirit DataCine. These files are stored in the basic telecine or on a SAN harder deejay accumulator array. The Phantom Transfer Engine has been replaced with Bones software active on a Linux-based PC. First bearing of DPX interface for abstracts files was the optical cilia HIPPI cables (up to 6 frame/s at 2k), the next bearing interface is GSN-Gigabit Ethernet cilia Optic (up to 30 frame/s at 2k). GSN is aswell alleged HIPPI-6400 and was after re-named GSN (for Gigabyte Arrangement Network). The SAN harder disks are interfaces to by bifold FC-Fibre Channel, cables. The newest DPX achievement interface is infiniband.1 9

Most Spirit DataCines are controlled by a Da Vinci Systems blush corrector, 2k or 2k Plus. Some are controlled by Pandora Int.'s Pogle, some with a their MegaDEF or a Pixi blush allocation system. A Spirit DataCine comes with a abounding action ascendancy console that can be acclimated for ascendancy and blush grade

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