Saturday 26 May 2012

Background and history

FDL 60

Bosch FDL 60 Telecine Blur Accouter and Lens Gate

The Robert Bosch GmbH, Fernseh Div., which after became BTS inc. - Philips Agenda Video Systems, Thomson's Grass Valley and now is DFT Agenda Blur Technology alien the world's aboriginal CCD telecine (1979),101112 the FDL-60.13The FDL-60 advised and fabricated in Darmstadt West Germany, was the aboriginal all solid accompaniment Telecine.14 FDL is abbreviate for Blur Agenda Line. The FDL-60 uses a single-line arrangement system, whereby three lines, RGB with 1,024 CCD pixels per band to almanac a individual band of the blur image.15 FDL60A uses three Fairchild Semiconductor CCD 133 CCDs for the angel pickup. FDL60A appear in 1979 acclimated a 115 Volt lamp to ablaze the film.16 The FDL60B appear in 1982 added advance video superior appearance to the FDL60. The FDL60C appear in 1987 acclimated a Fairchild CCD 134 and a 24 volt ablaze source. In 1983 an alternative Atom Abate was alien by Bosch for the FDL-60, archetypal FDGR 60. The was the aboriginal all agenda babble reducer. The FDL 60 could accomplish angle abandoned or on a blush brand system.17 Bosch fabricated a arena by arena blush corrector archetypal FRP 60 as an advantage for the FDL-60. About 568 FDL-60 telecines were accomplish from 1979 to 1989. FDL 60 were ordered in PAL or NTSC or Secam, a few were multi accepted by alteration a few cyberbanking ambit cards.18

editFDL 90 and Quadra

Philips-BTS eventually acquired the FDL 60 into the FDL 90 (1989)/ Quadra (1993). These units were able to abutment cool 35mm, cool 16mm and cool 8. The units were able to zoom and position the picture. The units outputted 4:4:4 agenda video to augment a blush corrector like the Da Vinci Systems 888. The units aswell had an alternative analog output. The blur aisle was agnate to the Spirit Datacine, but this was the abandoned similarity. FDL 90 and Quadra acclimated a three Fairchild CCD 181 CCDs. Both had an alternative Pal/NTSC switchable option. Both were 3/4 perf switchable. Abounding FDL-90 were adapted to accept the Quadra cyberbanking ambit cards improvements. A accurate Quadra had a new capstan position afterpiece to the blur aboideau and with a dejected blush deck.

BTS Quadra Telecine Blur Deck, Lens Aboideau and Local Ascendancy Panel

1418 A band of angle abandoned SDTV Noise/Grain Reducers area fabricated fabricated for use on the FDL 90, after telcines and band to band use, models: DNR7, MNR9, MNR10, MNR11 and the VS4.19

editFLH 1000

In 1994 the FLH-1000 was approved by BTS inc.. This assemblage was never appear for sale.20 21This was the aboriginal HDTV telecine. The FLH-1000 was bigger - accommodated and appear as the SDC 2000 - Spirit DataCine.22 The Scanning arrangement and CCDs were fabricated by Kodak in New York. FLH-1000 and Spirit DataCine were a collective accomplishment amid Philips and Eastman Kodak. Beta sites for the FLH-1000 were: Producers Blush in the Detroit and Approach 4 in London.1823

editSDC 2000 Spirit DataCine

In 1996 Philips, alive with Kodak, alien the Spirit DataCine (SDC 2000), which was able of scanning the blur angel at HDTV resolutions and abutting 2K (1920 Luminance and 960 Chrominace RGB) x 1556 RGB. The SDC 2000 Spirit DataCine uses two concrete CCD, one for Chrominace and one for Detail/Luminance. The assemblage acclimated two CCDs for bigger Signal to Babble ratio. Inside the Luminance CCD are 4 electrical CCDs. In ancillary the Chrominace are 3 electrical CCDs: red, blooming and blue. With the abstracts advantage the Spirit DataCine can be acclimated as a motion account blur scanner outputting 2K DPX abstracts files as 2048 x 1556 RGB. The accustomed ascribe abstracts book accepted is DPX. The abstracts files are generally acclimated in DI - agenda average post-production application a blur recorder for film-out.1 The ascendancy allowance for the telecine is alleged the blush apartment or sometimes a blush bay. In a two years time amount the Spirit DataCine took over the amount one atom of telecines from Rank Cintel.1

The 1998 cine Pleasantville was the aboriginal agenda average blur scanned on a Spirit DataCine. This action produced the mix of B&W and blush pictures. The 2000 cine O Brother, Area Art Thou? was scanned with Spirit Datacine, blush adapted with a VDC-2000 application a Pandora Int. Pogle Blush Corrector with MegaDEF. A Kodak Lightning II blur recorder was acclimated to put the abstracts achievement aback to film. This action afflicted the greens to a green-yellow color.11424

SDC-2000 Spirit DataCine Anatomic Ascendancy Panel-FCP

editSpecter - VDC - Basic DataCine

In 1999 Philips introduces the Specter the aboriginal basic telecine. It is able to blush correct, re-size and atom abate 2k DPX files in absolute time. Acclimated in DI plan and to accomplish assorted video formats off one blur alteration browse (PAL, NTSC, Pan scan, letter box…). This was able by arena the DPX files aback through the Spirit Datacine’s action electronics and a Pandora International's MegaDef Colour Alteration system.252627

editSDC 2001 Spirit DataCine

In 1999 the SDC 2001 replaced the SDC 2000, the SDC 2001 had the accession of an alternative 6 agent resolution absolute blush corrector. An alternative RGB resolution absolute blur atom reducer aswell became accessible for both the SDC 2000 and SDCs 2001 alleged the Scream blur atom reducer.1 Scream blur atom reducer is a resolution absolute three approach RGB atom reducer. Scream can be acclimated on the Spirit DataCine and the VDC.2 Aswell in 2000 the aboriginal D6 HDTV VTR is shown.1428 29


In 2000 the Shadow telecine was approved by Philips. The Shadow (STE) is a Spirit DataCine after a Kodak foreground end (lens, eyes and CCDs). This fabricated for lower amount telecine transfers, acceptable for SDTV and HDTV.3031

A Shadow Telecine in a blush alteration suite

editSDC 2002 Spirit DataCine

In 2003 the SDC 2002 replaced the SDC 2001, the SDC 2002 had the accession of getting GSN abstracts achievement ready. Abstracts interface, GSN-Gigabit Ethernet cilia Optic has speeds up to 30 frame/s at 2k. Aswell a Blush Graphical Ascendancy (GCP) console now came accepted and replaced the affiliated anatomic ascendancy console (FCP).1932

Spirit Datacine GCP, Ascendancy Panel

editSDC 2k Spirit DataCine

In 2005 SDC 2K 1 Spirit DataCine was approved by of Thomson's Grass Valley,33 The Scanning optic arrangement are fabricated by Kodak in NY. The CCD are fabricated in Canada. SDC 2k has a abounding 2k (2048) RGB resolution. Like the SDC 200x the assemblage is fabricated in Germany. SDC 2K Spirit DataCine uses three concrete CCDs: red, blooming and blue. The alternative RGB resolution absolute Scream blur atom reducer is now centralized to the Datacine. The SDC 2K Spirit DataCine could be configured as just a abstracts scanner outputed on a GSN cilia Optic with speeds up to 30 frame/s at 2k or just a video telecine (with a spatial processor) or both. The DPX abstracts files are outputted to a Bones Lunix workstation that is affiliated to a SAN.1434

Spirit Datacine 4k with the doors closed

editSDC 4k Spirit DataCine

Same as the SDC 2K 2 Spirit DataCine but with the alternative 4k (4096) abstracts scanning CCD. It can achievement 4k DPX files at 8 frames per second, SAN acceleration permitting. With the alternative scaler the 4k CCD achievement could be acclimated as an oversampled 2k output. The assemblage can aswell achievement 16 bit data.1434

Spirit Datacine 2k - 4k - HD with the doors open

editSDC HD Spirit DataCine

In 2007 the SDC HD 3 Spirit DataCine, that is agnate to the SDC 2K Spirit DataCine and SDC 4K Spirit DataCine was introduced. The SDC HD can achievement HD and SDTV video from arbor 2. As the spatial processor is now allotment of arbor 2, eliminating the charge for the abounding cyberbanking cards in arbor 3. The Abstracts interface achievement is now application infiniband cilia Optic, rather than GSN.1434

editBones Dailies

In 2007 Bones Dailies was introduced, a Linux non-linear column assembly software system. Bones Dailies can ascendancy all dailies assembly process: blot to a SAN, up to 30 frame/s - faster than real-time and accomplish color-graded Dailies masters. It has an audio ingest, audio syncing, ASC CDL based primary, and accessory color-correction. It will plan in assorted formats: SD, HD, or 2K-4k actual and can blot agreeable from the Spirit DataCine or added accessories like video band or agenda accretion cameras. Bones can be aswell be acclimated in a basic telecine mode.353637

Bones blot was alien in 2004 and was the backup to PTE – Phantom Alteration Engine software the ran on a SGI - IRIX platform. Blot (Bones or PTE) software is acclimated to alteration the DPX abstracts files from the DataCine to a SAN.3839


DFT - Agenda Blur Technology appear its newest blur scanner at the 2009 NAB Show, Scanity 4. Scanity uses Time Delay Integration (TDI) band sensors and FPGA angel processing. Scantiy uses a connected blur carriage servo system, application a capstan and a LED ablaze source. Alteration speeds are up to: 15 frame/s @ 4K, 25 frame/s @ 2K, 44 frame/s @ 1K, 69 frame/s @ 0.5K, 96 frame/s @ 0.25K. Scanity LED ablaze sources is capricious and programmable. Like all the telecines aloft it uses a connected motion capstan blur transport. New for scanity is the use of a bittersweet CCD approach for clay mapping.40 Scantiy has a new optical audio scanning advantage for 16mm and 35mm, aswell 16 mag band audio.4142434445 4647

DFT Scanity Blur Deck


On September 5, 2011 DFT appear a new artefact Flexxity. Flexxity is a apartment of software for a host of column assembly applications. Flexxity can action DPX, R3D, ARRIRAW, QuickTime clips, stereoscopic 3D abutment with stereo blush analogous and parallax adjustments, larboard and appropriate eye synchronization and more. Flexxity has a different fast angel and audio synchronization feature. 4849

Flexxity Playout:

Playout that converts DPX, Quicktime and raw agenda camera clips and creates a adept for playout as video, DPX, and SD or Hd video. Added affection are timeline editing, EDL on-line conforming, and alternative blush correction, and angel resizing.5051

Flexxity Dailies:

Flexxity Dailies can be acclimated on-set or as a column assembly apparatus for agenda and blur dailies. Flexxity Dailies angel and audio synchronization feature, with the simple to use timeline editing, and alongside workflows gives top throughput and added efficiency.5253

Flexxity Archive:

Flexxity Annal software provides an simple interface for operators to admission archived actual from SAN deejay accumulator and aswell can ascribe blur DPX files from blur scanners. Flexxity Annal helps superior ascendancy of annal material. Flexxity Annal has blemish and clay abatement retouching capabilities, Atom reduction, and angel contouring. Abounding of these affection can be add to Flexxity Playout and Flexxity Dailies

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